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Interim management

Since 2015

I carried out several missions as a customer care manager.

I am always curious and interested to discover new industrial sectors and to accompany teams throughout changes : a new organization,  new IS tools or project management to reach a specific objective.

Customer care department structure and organization  are closely related to the company activity and to the company culture itself. Very often, part of the job is to review and even reshape  existing processes in order to adapt them to a new environment or new activities.

The implementation of the suitable management and leadership style is then of the utmost importance.

Présentation de travail


When gathering my experience as a trainer, I realized that this activity has been part of my activity since a long time !

When deciding to include training as a true expertise, it became obvious to me that it was essential to be trained as a trainer  !

I thus obtained a certificate of trainer with LYSYS Conseil.


Since then, I conceived many face-to-face or remote, e-learning sessions in various topics.

Among my preferred themes :

  • Participative management for the OPCO OCAPIAT

  • Project management, cross-divisional management

  • Improving impact of your professionnal written communication

  • And, of course, fully customized training with Le Cheval Formateur , in interpersonnal communication, management and leadership

Presented programmes are fully adapted to participants’objectives.


Heath & safety at work

Prevention of occupational risks

A diversified experience in industrial maintenance workshops : training, consulting and behavioral coaching to reinforce the safety culture in companies, induced me to improve my knowledge in this field to better identify the link between safe working conditions and operational excellence.


I thus got trained to get the certification : Actor in Preventing Risks linked to Physical Activity «Acteur PRAP»

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